Sunday, May 31, 2015

[Drama Recap] My Love Eun-dong: Episode 2

On the May 30th episode of JTBC's "My Love Eun-dong', Park Hyeonsoo (Baek Seong-hyeon) said "Because I heard you had a boyfriend, it's hard even trying to hold your hand once", when the two were coming out of a movie theater.

bscap0058Ten years have passed and Hyeon Soo (Baek Sung Hyun) never gave up trying to find Eun Dong (Yoon So Hee). He got into college after the third attempt, but his parallel dream of becoming an actor wasn’t flowing well! Even though he didn’t have much talent he tried really hard, but everything was ending in failure and we witnessed many hilarious scenes while trying to work on his facial expressions, performing tap dance and failing at his auditions and acting attempts! His manager is a “friend” from the motorcycle gang days, Lee Hun Bal (Kim Hyung Kyu). Eventually, Hyeon Soo decided to join the army and he got assigned to work at the city hall where he was having a hard time since an idol actor was there as well and his fans were appearing all the time bringing more work upon Hyeon Soo’s shoulders! One rainy day a girl almost hit him with her bicycle and she fell on the ground. He instantly recognizes her and he can’t hold back his tears as Eun Dong’s shivering filled with emotion! Both of them found themselves in a dreamlike state and later on at the restaurant Hyeon Soo’s almost at loss for words since he’s absorbed by Eun Dong’s beauty, he’s even embarrassed to look at her as he’s heart racing!
bscap2897The change upon him is omnipresent once again while singing and dancing at home with his parents and sister being unable to read through the lines! Spending time together was essential and he not only gets to know her last name but what she’s been up to all this time. She’s teaching Korean to grandmas and she’s in the fourth year at the university studying literature. Amidst flashback scenes and the current present’s magic the moments they meet grow in numbers and she even cheers for him at his workplace! Hyeon Soo’s enamored by Eun Dong’s presence in his life and the more he sees her the more he loses himself in her, but he’s not the only one! Eun Dong’s feeling the same way, but she played a little trick on him by not giving him an answer on whether she has a boyfriend or not! It’s something he can’t stand and asks for his sister’s help! Park Hyun Ah (Kim Yun Seo) appears at the bar where Hyeon Soo had been drinking while in the background Bon Jovi‘s Always is rocking the place with love! All he wants to know is how to steal Eun Dong from her boyfriend, a brother-sister relationship is not to his liking at all!
bscap0066A grandmother at Eun Dong’s class definitely approves of the young couple and both of them secretly enjoy the lovey ambiance! Hyeon Soo wants Eun Dong to watch a movie with him, as for whether he’s a brother or a man to her? He will take care of his feelings and she should start caring about her own! During their picnic there was a scene of immense affection as she was reading the poem he had memorized while he was at the hospital ten years ago and he was protecting her eyes from the sun with the palm of his hand, that scene could only get surpassed by a rainy scene of ever-flowing love! She appears in front of the cinema and she walks shyly, just like when she was waiting for him in front of his high school, as both of them are wearing the pair of shoes they exchanged in the past. After having watched The Notebook he tries to hold her hand and step by step he achieves it. Even though he thinks she’s got a boyfriend, he can’t give her up and he wouldn’t expect anything else if her heart felt the same way. It’s always the rain and as they find shelter inside a call box she urges him to increase the amount of love! A slow, romantic, old school, affectionate kiss completes the scene as they are unaffected by the pouring rain around them!
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bscap0103Hyeon Soo appearing at Eun Dong’s workplace and staring at each other through the glass was a moment of blissful silence and the grandma made it happen by urging everyone to remain silent! Now that he’s happier with Eun Dong in his life everything starts flowing well and he will get auditioned for a supporting role that could actually have a positive impact on him! During dining time Hyeon Soo lets his parents know that his sister wants to marry someone and all the expected questions pop up making her life uncomfortable! Hyeon Soo takes her side urging them to stop asking senseless questions since it’s the person that matters! Soon the truth comes to the surface, the man Hyun Ah’s in love with is a cancer patient she’s taking care of, but she’s not mad at Hyeon Soo since he helped her tell the truth to her parents. Through her brother’s reactions at the table she also understood Eun Dong’s background when it comes to her real parents. Even though she had told him that her adoptive parents were treating her well it definitely wasn’t the truth, but her father can’t prevent her from traveling with Hyeon Soo by bus where she reminds him of their song!
bscap0105Days have passed and Hyeon Soo inevitably wonders whether she’s still seeing the other guy and during the tension of the moment he mistook her ring as one of his presents and threw it inside the water at the park. The truth behind the ring is that it was her mother’s and he jumped into the water to find it! He had found it, but he intended to give it to her after she would come back with a towel. He kept waiting and waiting, but the only thing that came was the rain. On her way to bring Hyeon Soo a towel Eun Dong was hit by a car and was transferred to the hospital and for the second time they were bound to part ways.
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