Friday, June 19, 2015

[Drama Recap] My Love Eun Dong: Episode 6

Eun Ho took his time and prevented himself from meeting Jung Eun after his arch emotional shock. He could barely talk on the phone while being unable to hold back his most sincere tears at the revelation standing in front of his very eyes. Making up an excuse to not appear in front of her under these circumstances and in that condition was to prevent any further shock from both sides for the time being. The least he could do was to watch her leave unable to believe the truth he treasured after ten years of absence. Crying his heart out was the utmost level of silent completion.
bscap1760Jae Ho finding out that Jung Eun went out to meet Eun Ho definitely made him start boiling on the inside even though they didn’t eventually meet. As for Jung Eun, she’s flustered and kind of enraged for being unable to see him while accusing him of selfishness and that probably being the reason why Eun Dong left him and never looked back. Throughout her overall frustration a deep remembrance takes place as her internal Eun Dong takes the lead and refers to the fact that Eun Dong wanted to break up with her boyfriend for Hyeon Soo’s sake at that time. It’s something she wasn’t supposed to know, making Jae Ho question her. She doesn’t have the answer, but she tries to put the blame on the impact the book left upon her while succumbing to her own assumptions. Deep within, she knew she had already started questioning herself, always silently because the things that don’t make much sense anymore grow in numbers ever since Eun Ho entered her life.
Eun Ho has nowhere else to go but to Dong Gyu’s apartment in search of answers when it comes to Jung Eun’s past and the more he learns the more he’s unable to hold back his tears. Finding all the information surrounding Jung Eun is essential and bringing forth the past at the present while wondering if she’s eating well or if she falls off her bicycle are just affectionate scintillations of his memories with her. In times like these the one and only Eun Dong oriented video he possesses is his safe heaven.
The coalition bound to keep Eun Ho and Eun Dong’s meeting in the shadows progresses with yet another conversation and Seo Ryeong wants Hyun Bal to distort the purity of his memories in case Eun Ho meets her. Telling him she was already pregnant when she met Hyeon Soo and that she was two-timing with her current husband is the web she weaves. She’s unaware of Eun Ho’s moves who wants to make Jung Eun’s life as easy as possible since he knows all the hardships she had to go through all these years. Dong Gyu’s in charge of this plan and Eun Ho delivers all the necessary instructions, he even intends to buy the clothing store she’s working at to make things more comfortable for her! However, Eun Ho’s morning didn’t start well, he neither received the answers he was craving for from the married make-up artist to find a possible way to approach Jung Eun nor he maintained his calmness since a disrespectful thorn from the past, Seok Tae, ruined his harmony.
I’ll take care of you later, peach. Now i’m fabulous.
bscap1783Eun Ho wouldn’t stand still and delivers one of his most powerful punches in the form of an unwelcome present upon Hyun Bal’s face. Hyun Bal knowing that Jung Eun was Eun Dong and keeping his mouth shut even though he knew everything Eun Ho went through all these years in her absence was unforgivable. However, this didn’t prevent Hyun Bal from finding excuses in order to preserve his corrupted ambitions and unfolds all of the lies Seo Ryeong ordered him to infuse in Eun Ho’s mind. Dong Gyu became aware of their conversation and Eun Ho’s sudden caring side towards Jung Eun started making perfect sense. However, Hyun Bal was right, there are two types of people when it comes to Eun Ho; Eun Dong and the rest of the world! Eun Ho doesn’t believe Seo Ryeong’s lies through Hyun Bal’s mouth, the only truth for him will be the truth Eun Dong will utter right in front of him once she recalls her memories.
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Jung Eun unavoidably starts questioning the past she’s heard from Jae Ho and her parents’ lips, it’s something Jae Ho can’t withstand but he tries to push her doubts away without being that convincing when her questions become more specific around places they were supposed to had been together. Jung Eun goes out for a walk to find some peace of mind leaving Jae Ho in his own discomfort. Eun Ho’s dedication towards her face is being depicted through the fact that he’s always nearby at nights and the moment he witnesses her he restrains himself from meeting her anew in order to stare at her from a safe distance while still being lost in his own thoughts. A star which forms the latest shines brightly the longest and this time he wants to pave his footsteps one after the other cautiously no matter how great the longing may be. Jung Eun is at the park nearby losing herself in Eun Ho’s recordings and her nameless tears that will eventually be shaped into memories.
After his silent and distant interaction with Jung Eun took place Eun Ho found comfort in the embrace of alcohol and through her connections Seo Ryeong appeared out of nowhere to keep him company. She’s definitely going after her own emotional demise which also ruins her humane side, one step at a time. Eun Ho drinking could only mean one thing, that he would talk to her about Eun Dong and the fact that Seo Ryeong and him will never become a couple. Both of them see the Bermuda Triangle differently and for Seo Ryeong it is a love triangle where she loses herself in. As for Eun Ho, it could only mean the two eras in the past which were filled with Eun Dong in his life with the third vertex being the ongoing present that points towards his future with Eun Dong in order to complete that very specific construction of a love triangle which consists only of Eun Dong and Eun Ho in their 10s, 20s and 30s respectively.
Seo Ryeong took him back home safe and sound and her deeper feelings for him were omnipresent on the ride back home. After a night filled with alcohol and memories the next morning awaits for you something scarier than Mondays, hangover and Dong Gyu doesn’t quite help Eun Ho get over it with his playful presence! Eun Ho’s interview didn’t go as planned since such reporters always care about the hidden side of celebrities’ status. Even though Dong Gyu told her not to ask him about Eun Dong she eventually did. In fact, Eun Ho used this seemingly uncomfortable situation to his advantage delivering his message indirectly towards Jung Eun that he will wait for her until she remembers him. Jung Eun’s almost religious commitment to the interview doesn’t go unnoticed by Jae Ho, but Seo Ryeong isn’t pleased either. She may have pleased her senses by using her assistant (Kim Hyun Joon) as a pleasure toy, but her void only deepens every time Eun Dong’s name echos, especially when it comes from Eun Ho’s lips.
Eun Ho’s plan to make Jung Eun’s life less burdened moves on and he wants Dong Gyu to give her enough money, as much as she wants to, in order to be able to do everything she never had the chance to do so. These money will be coming from Eun Ho’s pocket but they will be presented as a bonus for the book’s bestselling course. In the meantime, Jung Eun lifts Jae Ho’s spirit and she deeply believes he will be able to walk anew. Her one and only wish is to piggyback her just for a little while.
The next morning wasn’t the most pleasant one for Jung Eun since Ra Il’s teacher’s words weren’t the most hopeful ones. Ra Il doesn’t fit in Korean school’s environment and it’s not easy for him to acclimate himself in the classroom, it’s something that makes him lonely at such a fragile age. International school feels like the only option for him. On top of that, later on Seo Ryeong approached Jung Eun anew at her workplace making her already concerned world even more turbulent. Jung Eun would never accept the present Seo Ryeong left behind the previous time they met and Seo Ryeong isn’t a mother of charity either.
It was only the beginning of a civilized yet vulgar display of grandeur and a silent superiority bombardment to show her that she doesn’t belong in high society just in case she recalls the past and heads towards Eun Ho’s direction. In the meantime, Jae Ho was surpassing himself during the rehabilitation procedure and everything shows that things can only get better health-wise. However, the fact that he wanted to inform the doctor himself made me think that he wants to keep it a secret from Jung Eun.
bscap1681If Eun Ho won’t meet Eun Dong on his own, Dong Gyu made it happen since he knows how much he craves for her presence in his life. Except for his sister, Dong Gyu is the most sincere person in Eun Ho’s life except for his manager. It’s a meeting neither Eun Ho nor Jung Eun expected to take place and both of them are astounded by each other’s presence for seemingly different yet internally the same reasons. It’s a ten-minute scene filled with utter surprise in the very beginning and suave awkwardness as compliments come to the surface one after the other from both sides to eventually turn into a blissful and filled with laughter soiree.
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bscap1703Eun Ho can’t get enough of Jung Eun’s evocative laughter and he loves seeing her happy, but it wasn’t only a meeting filled with emotional hilariousness, it possessed its own meaning as Eun Ho ordered everything Eun Dong would like to eat, pleasantly surprising Jung Eun and letting her know that he successfully read her heart. Talking directly to Jung Eun while indirectly referring to Eun Dong was a beautiful sight possessing its own emotional dynamics as Eun Ho indicates that he wants to make Eun Dong happy and from now on he intends to make her laugh a lot.
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bscap1745The elevator scene that ended the 6th episode was a grand declaration of ever-flowing feels. The presence of other people found Eun Ho and Jung Eun in a kabedon stasis in order not to get recognized by curious stares. It’s an emotionally fortified still that left Eun Ho and Jung Eun losing themselves in each other’s stare in the blissful awkwardness of the moment. It’s also a still that left the audience craving for more! My Love Eun Dong is an emotional refuge between heaven and hell in the shadow of reality. I won’t invest in any further thoughts this time since most of them have been expressed throughout the article whenever my mind considered it essential.
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