Sunday, April 26, 2015

[Drama Recap] Make A Woman Cry : Episode 3

Deok-in's totally abandoned Jin Woo (hero) to a bunch of gangsters by himself the day before, Deok In (heroine) tries to act nonchalantly when Jin Woo shows up for work at the school. Admitting that it was kinda mean to leave him, Deok In offers up a month worth of meal tickets to her restaurant as an apology. Snatching the meal tickets from Deok In's hand, Jin Woo slyly tells her that he wasn't hurt at all since he was quick to tell the gangster where to find her. Dismayed, Deok In demands Jin Woo to give back the meal tickets, but Jin Woo quickly sneaks into the school. Jin Woo didn't really tell on Deok In so he smiles when Jin Woo believes his fibbing.
Before Deok In and Jin Woo can figure out their "feud", a more serious matter makes them allies again. Jung Cheo, the student who is living on his own with his little brother (after his alcoholic father rans away from the gangsters in episode 2) has been accused of robbing a woman. After Jung Cheo vehemently deny robbing anyone despite his desperate need for money, Deok In decides to believe him and go on a search for the real robber.

After some tracking down the robber by "convincing" a few other man to give up his location, Deok In successfully apprehend the robber and proves the Jung Cheo's innocence. I love the fighting machine Deok In!

His trouble with the law solved, but Jung Cheo still faces dismissal from the school for bullying. Apologizing to the victim sincerely, Jung Cheo seems to accept his dismissal with calmness.

Fortunately for Jung Cheo, the mother of the bullied student decides to go easy on him and Jung Cheo was allowed to stay on.

Overjoyed for Jung Cheo, Jin Woo rushes to Deok In's eatery to tell her the happy news. Unable to contain his excitement, Jin Woo throws his arm around Jin Woo.

Deok In's happy mood over Jung Cheo's good news was soon spoiled by Jin Hee's appearance and self introduction "I am the woman that is going to marry Gyeong Cheol (Deok In's husband)."

Increasingly frustrated by how unfazed Deok In seems to be by her appearance, Jin Hee decides to go for the kill "Gyeong Cheol said he doesn't even miss your son anymore." Deok In's son died in a car accident, so this was obviously a very low blow and one that certainly will hurt Deok In the most.

Sitting with Deok In on a bench together, Gyeong Cheol drives the nail home by telling her that it is only after meeting Jin Hee that he thought for the first time a woman can be cute. From Deok In and Gyeong Cheol's conversation, it is apparent that Gyeong Cheol really has never cared for Deok In and is fed up with the burden his family is to him. Looking at his wife, Gyeong Cheol utters the line all jerks needs to say "Let's end this. Don't let me lose the last of my affection for you."

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