Here’s our first teaser for SBS’s upcoming rom-com
Divorce Lawyer in Love, and while it only gives us the briefest glimpse of the setup, I can picture the leads,
Yeon Woo-jin (
Marriage Not Dating) and
Jo Yeo-jung (
Haeundae Lovers),
having some cute chemistry. It’s the kind of show that’ll live or die
based on that chemistry, so it had better be crackling, that’s for sure.
The drama has the two playing divorce attorneys, where he was once
her office staffer and haaaaated his rude lawyer boss. He became a
lawyer afterward, and when they reconnect years later, he’s now her
superior, making for a “refreshing revenge and sweet romance.” Funny how
one drama can be both things, but I’m looking forward to it, especially
since I can totally see Yeon Woo-jin being hilariously petty.
The teaser gives each character a chance to sell their services to an
unseen potential client (while the other hangs about in the background
looking skeptical). Yeon Woo-jin adopts a sympathetic tone as he says
understandingly how the woman must be confused about whether she’s a
wife or a maid, and hands over his card. I’m pretty sure they gave his
character, So Jung-woo, that surname just so they could make a whole
bunch of
sobyun jokes (lawyers often refer to each other using their surname and the word
byun, short for attorney, and
happens to also mean pee). Then it’s Jo Yeo-jung’s turn to talk to the
unseen husband, after which she introduces herself as lawyer Go
Divorce Lawyer in Love will be a 16-episode weekend SBS drama, and premieres in mid-March.